Ramblings no one should be interested in...really

I mean, seriously, ask yourself why are you here.

domenica 3 gennaio 2010

...where I start ranting.

Which is what I am quite skilled at, apparently. Yes, I am a whiny bitch like no 70 year old aunt Telma who sees you just for Christmas asking why you still do not have a girlfriend can ever hope to be. I blame it on the stress though. I AM A STRESS-BALL. Live with it. I do, at least.

I have been musing over what to write for the first post. There is this Blog virginity issue, which makes you want to start it with a spectacular one, something memorable, witty, funny yet with a core of food for thought. It will not happen. I am way too focused on the moment I will sit back at my desk in Berlin, and the tide of amphibious organic matter will flow neck-high. The dreadful "to-do" list is visiting my nightmares already, with all the tasks that were left pending when I hastily departed for Italy, just before the last solstice.

Last-minute rounds of salutations are stacking already, eating away at the little time left for me in the island of Sardinia (from time to time I shall refer to said island as "Atlantis", the full reasoning behind this choice being more fitting for another post). One good thing to flag: it is so warm and sunny here. The downside is that I will be back to -20°C in less than 72 hours.

So, enough of the above, let us just get this over quick. My name (if you do not already know) is not important to you. My age? The number is high enough to vote for the ludicrous farce-country I am a citizen of, and small enough to still kick enough ass to sooth my ailing ego. My interests? You would call them geeky stuff (but please, see above for my age before you do). Whatever feeds the imagination, basically. Movies, books, music, games (loads of board games and role-play games) and all the encoded nonsense drivel that keeps Comics Convention packed with visitors all the time. I also like astronomy, though I kinda suck at math, and I love being near the sea.

This will be a blog where I will mostly rant about whatever drives me insane, and I will mean every word you shall read. Blogging away I will try to zero in on the causes of my distress and generic unhappiness, and probably do nothing to fix the problem.

I guess this is it for now. Moody Bastard to Earth, over and out.
